2022 February 3

Made in France: when bleu-blanc-rouge becomes trendy again

SASA, company stamped "French Fab"

Not long ago, Sasa joined the French Fab, a label created in October 2017 to round up innovative French SMEs and strengthen the promotion of our industry abroad. Because together, we are stronger and more visible. “What is interesting is that this label places us in an ecosystem,” explains the R&D Manager and Bakery Product Manager. The key is privileged contacts with a community of companies with similar or complementary activities, and the possibility of using a dedicated logo. This is a first step before the prestigious label Origine France garantie, which has stricter requirements and is awarded by certification bodies. This is what we are aiming for in the more or less short term.

Visite virtuelle boulangerie - Sasa Industrie

French Tech: visit a virtual bakery !

Developed by MEDEF International with French industrial bakery companies including Sasa and some of its partners, the Virtual Modern Bakery 3D application offers a fun and instructive immersive experience. Available in French, English and Spanish, it allows users - manufacturers wishing to set up bread or pastry production lines - to virtually visit behind the scenes of a semi-automated or automated bakery. Prospects can thus discover the equipment associated with each stage of the process, and easily contact the equipment manufacturers. Virtual Modern Bakery is available on smartphone and computer, in PC or MacOS version.
